South Arabia

Al-Gaadi to Al-Ahram: Federalization Led to War and No Solution without a Plan to Respond to Ground Facts

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]A[/su_dropcap]ssistant secretary general of the Southern Transitional Council, Fadl Al-Gaadi, had an interview with Al-Ahram, the well-established Egyptian newspaper. Hind Dawi, an Egyptian reporter, interviewed Al-Gaadi who answered several questions about major issues and concerns in the region and the south. The following is a translation of the interview:
How do the Southern see the Yemeni Crisis?
First, I’d like to thank you and Al-Ahram, the Newspaper for all Arabs, for your attentive efforts that expresses the humanitarian and nationalistic spirit. In the south, you grew up on humanitarian, nationalistic and patriotic principles. These principles can be described as an ideology for us. This spirit led us to surrender our state with all its successful organizations for the sack of Yemeni union. We turned all that to Sanaa. But there, we were surprised by the ugly triad of military commanders, religious Sheikhs and tribal leaders who formed an influential authority that conspired against us, starting with assassination of more than 155 southern figures of the People’s Democratic Republic of Yemen, passing through the “Auth and Agreement” treaty signed in Jordan, followed by 1994 war according to Islamic-like advisory opinions of leaders of the reform party and finally privatizing successful southern organizations in favor of helpless and bankrupt northern ones. For example, Air Yemen of Democratic Yemen was a successful public property with major revenues till it was privatized for “Yemeni Air Lines”, a clinically bankrupt company owned by half by northern Yemen and Saudi Arabia.
Our people fought against Sanaa’s regimen since 1994 war till now and sacrificed thousands of martyrs and injured although our struggle was peaceful since the establishment of MAWJ in 1995, TAJ, HATA and the Peaceful Southern Movement until the Southern Transitional Council, carrier of the southern cause, was established and publicly delegated in May 4th 2017. Even this last war in 2015 came after the National Dialogue Conference and its outcomes that the legitimacy authority is sticking to. What I mean is that they don’t know what a convention and a treaty mean. Our Egyptian brothers suffered a bitter experience with them when Nasser and Egypt supported the September revolution in 1962 and sacrificed many of its young soldiers during this period.
Did the Yemeni crisis reopen the southern file and bring it back to the front?
The southern file was, and still is, in the front. It never disappeared and we didn’t abandon it since 7-7-1994 till now. We can say that the southern cause is the reason behind escalating this crisis and what it came to today.
Some people think the southern used the weakness of Yemen and planned for separation. What would you say about that?
On the contrary, since 1994 separatist war, the southern people were robbed off all their rights including public offices. Many military and security commanders were dismissed and their properties were confiscated since 1994. You can add to them workers and employees of industrial and agricultural foundations that were privatized for rulers of Sanaa. The problem is that they practiced separation under the slogan of Union while we, the true union defenders, were oppressed till we embraced the slogan of separation. Today, our people are embracing the slogan of restoring our state. this is our right and we will never forsake it.
Is the international interest in the South like the same interest with the Legitimacy/Al-Houthi conflict?
Logically speaking, we don’t see this interest. To prove that, consider UN Decision 2216 of war under the 7th article against the coup militias of Al-Houthis and their ally, the Conference Party of Ali Saleh. Then the decision was suspended to return to negotiation while the war is in its fourth year. This interest appears only in media and public sympathy without any real effects on the ground. In the south, we can feel that all UN envoys since “Gamal Ben Omar”, passing through “Ismail Wald Al-Sheikh” and Finally “Martin Griffith”, understand our cause. Even some countries do.
From the Southern People’s perspective, what are the scenarios for solving the Yemeni Crisis?
First, we should restore our southern state. Then, we should liberate the northern authority from corruption lobby and war traders.
Next month, there will be a conference in Sweden for the two conflicting Yemeni parties. What are your expectations for this conference?
As I said before, both parties, moved by corrupt authority and war traders, are not serious in ending this war. Even UN is not serious in this respect as it always hinders military determination under humanitarian and human rights claims.
Will the southern file be on the table in Sweden?
The game plan is not set yet. Sometimes it is discussed and some other times it is suspended. This is because of several political interferences. My personal reading to this conference is that it will fail as the previous ones. We heard strong statements from major US officials. But words are free while actions are very limited. Consider UN decisions as an example and you will know that we are not interested in words.
Is the international society serious this time to solve the Yemeni crisis?
Nothing new. And my answer is the same to the last question.
Do you expect that the two conflicting parties will reach even relative consistency in Sweden?
I don’t think so. Those who lack something can never deliver it.
Do you communicate with UN Envoy and did he involve you in establishing solution frameworks?
We maintain continuous communications with UN Envoy and his assistants in and outside Aden. We discussed with them all issues and how to solve it. But I think this was not so serious for them.
Do you have any information about the content of Griffith’s plan?
We have our readings. And we are ready to refute and analyze all that comes out of it to establish our attitude.
Do you think federalization could be the solution according to the Yemeni complex?
Federalization was the major cause of 2015 war. How come then it could be a solution? The right solution is to accurately read reality facts on the ground and device a plan for treating all situations according to tangible field data.

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