South Arabia

Al-Ghaithi: The cause of People of the South reached an advanced stage

The General Directorate of Foreign Affairs of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) held a meeting, in the presence of Mohammed Al-Ghaithi, member of the Presidency of STC, and Dr. Salih Mohsen Al-Hajj, head of the Directorate.

During the meeting, that witnessed the participation of representatives of the Directorate in the various capitals of brotherly and friendly countries, via video communication, Al-Ghaithi said that the appointment of Al-Hajj as head of Directorate is an important addition to the work of the Foreign Affairs in the Southern Transitional Council.

Al-Ghaithi pointed to Al-Hajj’s leadership of the Southern Dialogue at home with great success, stressing that he has experience and participated in the establishment of the Directorate of Foreign Affairs in 2017, stressing also that it was a mission that began in difficult and complex circumstances.

Al-Ghaithi explained that after 6 years, with the solidarity and cooperation of all, in addition to the justice of our cause and our legitimate aspirations, we were able to move to an advanced and satisfactory stage, pointing out that after 6 years of teamwork and joint efforts, we have an active presence in various states related to the crisis file in our country, and all countries sponsoring the political process, in addition to constant contact with the United Nations, international organizations, decision-making circles, research centers and the media. .

He assured on the importance of cohesion and strength of the national forces, pledging to continue working collectively and exerting more efforts in order to achieve the southern national goal, that start was with it.

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