South Arabia

Al-Horaiby: SAMA is an independent and integrated media agency representing the southern people’s will and not supported by any party

[su_label type=”info”]Aden – SMA[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label]Aden – SMA[/su_label][/su_spacer]

The southern media agency SAMA goes forth with its crew towards success that became noticeable especially in the south of Yemen
Mohamed Ali Al-Horaiby, general director of the agency indicated that the agency works according to its rules and regulations prepared professionally and under firm and wise control of highly qualified administration.
“Talks about divisions among SAMA crew about supporting the southern transitive council by some members while others support the legitimate government is merely a rumor” added Al-Horaiby
He also indicated that SAMA is an independent and integrated media agency representing the southern people’s will deciding it fate through independence and that it is not supported neither by UAE nor by the legitimate government as some were saying.
“Although we face some financial difficulties but our policy will never change and our cooperation with all patriotic political components of the south will remain to fulfill our duty towards establishing free southern media” said Al-Horaiby

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