South Arabia

Al-Houthi Militias Arrest “Al-Ansy” – the Last commanding officer loyal to “Saleh” in MOD

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] A special force of Al-Houthi militias arrested brigadier “Quaed Al-Ansy” directors of officers’ affairs department at the ministry of defense after refusing to sign a promotion list issued by Al-Houthi militias for its loyal officers a year and a half ago. Al-Ansy was delivered to military intelligence for interrogation. It is noteworthy that Al-Ansy was the last commanding officer loyal to former president Ali Abdullah Saleh in the Ministry of Defense.

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