South Arabia

Al-Houthi Militias Initiate Field Executions Against Their Escape Militants While Southern Troops Advance in Dumt – North of Al-Dalia

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenia – Dumt – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Army and Southern Troops including southern resistance and security belt, continued advance towards the downtown of Dumt, north of Al-Dalia amid fierce engagements with all types of light, medium and heavy weapons during the past 24 hours. Field sources indicated that the troops achieved major victories as the liberated the mountain chain from Hisn Al-Hukub to western mountains of Dumt. Sources indicated that these mountains were under control of Al-Houthi – Iranian militias who suffered great losses while withdrawing as the militias enforced field executions against their escape leaders and militants.

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