South Arabia

Al-Houthi Spy Cell Supporting Terrorist and Sabotage Acts Arrested in Abian

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Abian – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] SWAT Teams and Security Belt Troops in Abian arrested a spy cell in Al-Wadia. The cell belongs to Al-Hothui militias and its members were trained and financed in Sanaa to perform assassinations and explosions in Abian. A source in the security belt of Abian indicated that SWAT Teams launched several raids on the hiding places of terrorist cells in Al-Wadia on Saturday November 10th, 2018. The first raid didn’t yield to any thing as the place was empty but the second raid yielded to the arrest of “M. Mukbel”, “S. Al=Shaela”, “S. Al-Shaiekha” and “K. Shakha” while other terrorists managed to escape. The arrested persons are members of a spy cell of Al-Houthis who were trained in Sanaa for launching terrorist attacks including assassinations and explosions. Terrorists were financially supported by Al-Houthis for that purpose.

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