Al-Jaadi discusses with bin Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr future plans for Hadramaut Transitional Council leadership

SMA NEWS – Aden the Capital
The Deputy Secretary-General of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, met on Monday, at the headquarter of the General Secretariat in Aden the capital, with Dr. Mohammad Jaafar bin Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr, Head of the Executive Authority of the Local Leadership of the Southern Transitional Council in Hadramout Governorate.
Al-Jaadi listened from Dr. Mohammad Jaafar, to expain a brief explanation of the activities of the executive body of the local leadership of the Council in Hadramout, and its most prominent achievements during the last period.
The Deputy Secretary-General emphasized the exceptional position of Hadramout, and its historical value and its exclusivity as an important part of the southern national fabric and the federal southern state project.
The meeting discussed the organizational aspects of the Transitional Council authority in Hadramout, and the most prominent aspects of its work plans for the coming period, and the most important challenges it faces.
The meeting also reviewed the latest developments in the governorate in general and in the valley districts in particular, and what their residents suffer as a result of the insecurity and the repeated targeting of their residents.
The meeting stressed the necessity of concerted efforts in the local leadership of Transitional Council in Hadramout and to do everything possible to face the challenges to achieve the goals related to the good of the citizens of Hadramout.