Al-Jaadi inaugurates scientific symposium held by Economic Department on investment in South (advantages – opportunities – challenges)

The Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, inaugurated on Sunday, in the capital, Aden, a scientific symposium held by the Economic Department in the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Council entitled: “Investment in the South (Advantages – Opportunities – Challenges), Towards in-depth vision of investment opportunities in the South and attracting southern capital, which was held under the generous patronage of President Aidarous Qassem Al-Zubaidi – the President of the Southern Transitional Council.
Mr. Fadl Al-Jaadi delivered a speech at the opening of the symposium, in which he conveyed the greetings of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, thanking the Economic Department of the General Secretariat for its efforts in preparing and launching this important scientific symposium.
Al-Jaadi pointed out that “politics is an intensive economy” and from this point of view, the economy and politics are objectively intertwined in building the state along with other sectors, stressing that investment needs scientific studies to achieve economic integration in the developmental construction of the South.
Al-Jaadi concluded his speech with the hope that the discussions at this symposium, with the presence of the distinguished elites participating in it, will lead to realistic and practical scientific outputs and results that contribute to building a balanced southern economy in all sectors, wishing success for the participants to come up with a way that enhances the southern economy and investment.
Dr. Abdel Qawi Al-Solh, Head of the Economic Department in the General Secretariat, opened the symposium by welcoming the Deputy Secretary-General, and the participants and guests, pointing out that the Southern Investment needs a lot of effort, stressing the availability of the minimum investment environment to work in the South with an incubator that can protect it and the southern people behind it for all what is in the interest of the country and citizens.
Al-Solh confirmed that the symposium will include a number of researching papers that will be discussed by a group of economists and investment men participating in it, with the aim of coming up with practical and realistic investment outcomes that are commensurate with the current situation, and they will be presented to the leadership and the competent authorities to deal with the difficult economic investment situation that the country is going through.
Mr. Ali Jarhoum – Director General of the General Investment Authority, also delivered a speech at the symposium in which he indicated that the authority is providing all the necessary services to provide an appropriate environment for investment in the South, stressing that the southern investor exists and needs help to work and that the appropriate environment for investment is available, noting that the outcomes of this symposium will be considered as a work program plan for the authority to follow in order to achieve the desired investment goals and aspirations.
On the first day of the symposium, which was attended by Dr. Mohammed Ali Matash – Chairman of the Supreme Economic Committee, and a number of heads of departments of the General Secretariat, the National Assembly, and members of the Supreme Economic Committee, besides directors and leaders from the Supreme Investment Commission, the Chamber of Commerce and Industry, and the Tourism Office in the capital Aden, in addition to a number of experts and specialists in the field of finance, business, investment and economy, presented a number of research papers that reviewed the investment opportunities available in several different sectors, the difficulties facing investment and the obstacles facing it, as well as the possibilities available to benefit from the wealth of the South in the various investment fields and the prospects for their development.
The participants reviewed the research papers presented by the researchers, which included practical investment axes, which they studied and analyzed, presenting their different perceptions and opinions regarding their content, and putting forward their proposals to enrich those papers, provided that the review of the rest of the papers and themes would be completed on the second day of the symposium, in order to come up with a final statement of the symposium.