Al-Jaadi inaugurates training course in ” skills of press editing and photography” for media members in Transitional Council Executive of the capital

The Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, member of the Presidency of the Council, Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, in presence of Eng. Nizar Haitham, member of the Presidency of the Council, Head of Executive Transitional Council Executive in the capital, Aden, inaugurated on Sunday, a training course in the “skills of journalistic editing and photography”, which is organized by the training and qualification sector of the National Southern Media Authority, for members of the media in the Southern Transitional Council Executive of the Capital, Aden.
At the opening of the session that was attended by Dr. Basem Mansour, head of the media department at the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Transitional Council, member of the National Southern Media Authority, and Mr. Khaled Shouba, head of media administration in the Transitional Council Executive, in which Al-Jaadi delivered a speech congratulating the attendees on the new year and the victories achieved by the southern armed forces in Shabwa governorate.
Al-Jaadi stressed the importance of making the most of the outcomes of the session and raising the level of the media in the Transitional Council Executive to face challenges during the next stage, and to show the role of the political, social and cultural council, stressing the importance of media by raising the level of awareness and morale of our southern people.
For his part, Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, Head of the Training and Rehabilitation Sector, member of the National Southern Media Authority, opened the session with a speech in which he presented an explanation of the objectives of the session, through which the participants will learn about skills and professional methods for making press releases and photography, and vocabulary and political terminology of the Council.
The members of the media in the Southern Transitional Council Executive of the Capital, Aden, and its districts, toured the departments of the training center of the training and rehabilitation sector, with Dr. Basem Mansour, head of the media department at the General Secretariat, and listened from Dr. Abdullah Al-Haw, head of the sector, to the courses offered by the training center in montage, professional photography, and qualification of media professionals in all media sectors.