Al-Jaadi participates in panel discussion on difficulties facing studies and researches centers in South

Mr. Fadl Mohammed Al-Jaadi, Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, member of the Presidency of the Council, participated on Sunday, in a panel discussion organized by the Studies and Researches Department of the General Secretariat on “the difficulties and problems facing studies and research centers in the South and the proposed solutions for it” under the auspices of President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, and with the participation of a number of heads of studies and research centers.
The Deputy Secretary-General delivered a speech at the beginning, in which he expressed the need for partnership and cooperation in standing up to all developments and issues in society, stressing the need to put all problems and issues on the table of cooperation among all to find solutions, and work to accommodate others, and overcome what would affect the process of progress and development, and submitting works with joint efforts that serve the country and citizens.
Dr. Mohammed Jaafar Bin Al-Sheikh Abu Bakr, Head of the Studies and Researches Department in the General Secretariat, also spoke about the importance of the meeting to deliberate and discuss a number of ideas with a scientific methodology in the interest of working to overcome obstacles and difficulties to build and lay the foundations that contribute to the development of all research centers, and to provide society with scientific studies to address the problems and crises that afflict the South, and establishing positive relations and unification of the work of the studies centers to serve the community.
In the discussion, many opinions and suggestions aimed at intensifying the practical activity of the studies and research centers were presented, and the panel also provided clarifications on the most prominent needs and obstacles facing the studies and research centers and how to overcome them.