Al-Jaadi urges community committees in Aden the capital to unite efforts with local authority to serve citizens

SMA News – Aden the capital
The Deputy Secretary-General of the General Secretariat of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Mr. Fadl Mohammad Al-Jaadi, met on Thursday, the head and members of the community committees in Dar Saad district in the capital, Aden.
The meeting was attended by Dr. Bassem Mansour, head of the media information service department, and Mr. Aboud Naji Hussein, deputy head of the studies and researches department, in which the Deputy Secretary-General welcomed the attendees, expressing thanks to them for their interest in the affairs of their districts, and their keenness to serve citizens.
Al-Jaadi addressed the members of the committees, by saying:: “The Transitional Council is working through you and your counterparts in the rest of the districts to overcome difficulties and serve the citizens as possible.”
Al-Jaadi added, “The society suffers from many problems, the most important of which is the deterioration in services and the manipulation with the security and subsistence of citizens.”
In the same context, Al-Jaadi stressed that it is unacceptable for the situation to continue in this way, and that all community committees should work with the local authorities in the districts and the leadership of the local authority in the capital, Aden, side by side, to overcome difficulties and alleviate the citizens’ suffering.
Al-Jaadi also affirmed to them delivering their concerns and aspirations to all relevant authorities and deal with them seriously.
For their part, the head and members of the community committees presented detailed explanation about the situation in Dar Saad district, its coordination with the local authority in the district, and its overall activities, and the difficulties and obstacles that limit carrying out the required tasks, as well as the deterioration in all services, and the corruption in the district, the waste of its resources, and the disturbance in security and tranquility in it.
At the end of the meeting, the head and members of the community committees in Dar Saad district presented a number of practical proposals to overcome difficulties and to improve the level of performance and services in the district, the most important of which is the expansion in the community committees and enhancing their activities by developing their structure and administrative organization.