Al-Kathiri Chairs First Meeting of Newly-Formed Administrative Body of the Assembly

Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), chaired on Tuesday the first regular meeting of the newly-formed administrative body of the National Assembly.
At the beginning of the meeting, which was attended by the Deputy Chairman of the Assembly, Mr. Issam Abdo Ali, and the heads of the assembly’s blocs in the governorates and deputy heads of the committees, Mr. Al-Kathiri welcomed the attendees, congratulated them on gaining the confidence of the political leadership, and conveyed to them the greetings of the President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, stressing his keenness for the start of the work of the administrative body to be a landmark to launch a new phase of the work of the assembly, as it is the first legislative and oversight body in the STC.
In his speech, the Chairman of the Assembly highlighted activating the work of the assembly’s committees in a way that achieves more successes for the STC and the South in general. In this context, he reviewed the amendments that were made to the new internal regulations of the National Assembly, which came in response to meeting the requirements of the restructuring and completion of the organizational structure of the STC.
For his part, Nasr Harhra, Rapporteur of the Assembly, explained the objectives and general orientations of the Assembly’s work plan for the year 2024, calling on the heads of the permanent committees and their deputies to launch developing detailed sub-plans for the committees, which will form the basis of the general plan of the Assembly.
The Chairman of the Assembly then listened to a number of ideas and visions from the heads of the committees and their deputies and the heads of the blocs that would improve the institutional, organizational, and administrative work of the assembly’s committees, in line with the principles of the STC, towards achieving the ultimate goal of the people of the South, which is to restore and build the independent federal state of the South on all of its entire national territory.