South Arabia

Al-Kathiri Discusses with Aden Governor and Security Leaders Mechanisms of Enhancing Security in the Capital


Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Acting President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Chairman of the National Assembly, discussed on Monday in a meeting held with Mr. Ahmed Lamlas, Minister of State, Governor of the capital, Aden, the overall security situation and the recent security events in the capital, Aden.

Mr. Al-Kathiri affirmed in the meeting, which included Brigadier General Mohsen Al-Wali, Commander of the Security Belt Forces (SBF), Major General Mutahar Al-Shuaibi, Director of Security of the capital, Aden, and Brigadier Ahmed Hassan, Head of the Security Department of the STC, the rejection of the council of any actions that disturb public peace, create chaos, and offend the security forces, stressing the speed of taking firm measures against what the capital, Aden, witnessed recently, to ensure that it does not happen again, to consolidate security and stability, and to preserve public tranquility.

In the meeting, a range of urgent measures were taken to strengthen coordination and cooperation between the various security services and military units, commit not to move any security force without a formal notice through joint operations, and hold accountable those who break law and order.

Furthermore, the meeting touched on a range of security topics and issues in the capital, Aden, and approved a number of measures that would enhance the performance of the security services at the airport, land port, and sea port of Aden, under the direct supervision of the security committee led by the governor of the capital, and emphasized the need to coordinate concerted efforts among the security services in the various ports of the capital, Aden, as well as the continuation of security campaigns to arrest wanted persons, terrorist cells, and combat drug and contraband smuggling.

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