South Arabia

Al-Kathiri reveals truth of boycotting the Transitional Council the Yemen Forum held in Stockholm

Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, the member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, the Council’s official spokesman, revealed the truth of what was circulated on social media about the Council’s boycott of the Yemen Forum in the Swedish capital, Stockholm.
Al-Kathiri told Asharq Al-Awsat newspaper: “Yes, we, as the Southern Transitional Council, apologized for not participating in the Yemen Forum, as we sent a message through the General Department of Foreign Affairs of the Council to Per Olsson Friede, Director General of the Swedish Academy (Folk Bernadotte), in which we valued the role of the Kingdom of Sweden. and its Ministry of Foreign Affairs to bring peace to Yemen, the South, and the region, and we expressed our apologies for not participating in the forum.
Al-Kathiri explained that the reason for the boycott of Southern Transitional Council to the International Yemen Forum in the Swedish capital, Stockholm, is because Sana’a Center for Studies is involved in preparing for it and managing its activities, as the mentioned center has contributed to fueling the conflict and tearing the social fabric, in addition to its lack of neutrality and its adoption of positions opposed to the cause of the people of the South.
He pointed out that the General Department of Foreign Affairs of the Council had previously expressed the same position during a meeting with the envoy of the Kingdom of Sweden, Peter Sembney, at the end of last March, and our position includes any activities that the aforementioned center is involved in preparing and managing.

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