South Arabia

Al-Kathiri: “Rumor of suspending oil revenues of Hadhramaut by President Al-Zubaidi is a joke

The spokesman for the Southern Transitional Council (STC), member of STC Presidency, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, described the rumors saying that President Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, Deputy Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council, has suspended the share of Hadhramaut from oil sales as a joke, stressing that share insisted that the governorate benefit from its wealth and achieve the aspirations of its citizens.
In media statements, Al-Kathiri said that President Al-Zubaidi is struggling to restore the state of the South, expressing his regret for spreading unreasonable or logical rumors about a man who carries the grievances of the people of the South, where he came from the fighting fronts.
The Brotherhood’s media machine targets the Southern Transitional Council and its leadership with rumors in an attempt to create a state of confusion among southern public opinion, and to distract attention from the successes of President al-Zubaidi in defending the cause of the people of the South.

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