South Arabia

Al-Kathiri stresses the importance of having a comprehensive national vision to eradicate illiteracy

Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, Chairman of the National Assembly of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), met on Tuesday, with Dr. Essam Mohammed Muqbel, Director-General of the Literacy and Adult Education Agency in the capital, Aden.
During the meeting, which included the deputy of the Technical and Vocational Education Committee of the National Assembly, Ms. Hanan Farea, Al-Kathiri was briefed on the conditions of the literacy system, which suffers from extremely difficult conditions and a number of problems that require urgent intervention to address them.
Al-Kathiri also listened from Dr. Muqbel to a brief explanation of the activities carried out by the Literacy Eradication Agency during the last period expressing thanks to the efforts and cooperation of the local authority in the capital, Aden, and some vital effective interventions from international organizations.
The Chairman of the National Assembly stressed the necessity of having a comprehensive national vision to develop the literacy system in coordination with the Ministry of Education and relevant authorities, adopting community initiatives and awareness campaigns against the negative effects of abandonment of education, and highlighting the importance of education and its positive impact on the growth and prosperity of society.
Al-Kathiri affirmed the support of the Transitional Council, with all its bodies, committees, and competent departments, for the literacy center and the actors aiming to encourage enrollment in schools, and to provide everything that would find solutions and treatments for all causes of reluctance to education.

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