Al-Kathiri Underscores Raising Levels of Preparedness for Any Impact of Cyclone Tej on the Capital, Aden

Mr. Ali Abdullah Al-Kathiri, Acting President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC) and Chairman of the National Assembly, highlighted the importance of the local authority intensifying its efforts and raising the level of preparedness to confront any emergency caused by climate change or the potential effects of cyclonic storm “Tej.”
It took place during his meeting today, Wednesday, with Eng. Ghassan Al-Zamki, Aden Governorate’s Undersecretary for Services and Projects Affairs, where Mr. Al-Kathiri listened to a detailed explanation from him about the efforts made by the local authority in the capital, Aden, to remove and prevent random construction in flash flood channels and drains to ward off dangers from the city and to preserve the lives of citizens.
Al-Kathiri was also briefed by Mr. Al-Zamki on the maps of the rainwater drainage channels for the capital, Aden, the floodwaters linking the capital to Lahj Governorate, and the measures taken by the local authority to protect them from random construction.
The Acting President of the STC lauded the efforts exerted by the local authority in the capital, Aden, led by Governor Ahmed Lamlas, to protect flash floodways and prevent random construction, affirming the Council’s support for those efforts and its readiness to ease any difficulties it faces for the benefit of the capital, Aden, and its people.