Al-Kathiri visits Hadramout Center for Historical Studies and Publishing in Mukalla and reviews its activities

The member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, official spokesman of the Council, and head of the National Southern Media Authority, Mr. Ali Al-Kathiri, visited on Wednesday Hadramout Center for Historical Studies, Documentation and Publishing.
During his visit, Al-Kathiri met with the Director of the Center, Dr. Abdullah Saeed Al-Jaidi, and Dr. Hassan Saleh Al-Amoudi, Director of the Research and Studies Department at the Center, Deputy Head of Hadramout Transitional Council Executive for Universities Coordinating Affairs.
Al-Kathiri toured the center’s departments, in which he got acquainted on the center’s activities and the works it provides in documenting the historical, heritage and human memory of Hadramout, and the great efforts being made by the center’s cadres to revive the deep historical and civilizational heritage of Hadramout.
Al-Kathiri expressed his happiness to visit Hadramout Center for Historical Studies, and to learn about the center’s activities and the research and studies it provides in Hadrami history.
Al-Kathiri affirmed the Southern Transitional Council’s support for the center and its noble goals that seek to document facts in the historical and civilizational fields, Hadrami migrations, and highlight relevant science and research, to deepen thought and contribute to understanding the present and foreseeing the future.
Ali Al-Kathiri was accompanied on his visit by Mr. Omar Baabad, Advisor to the President of the National Assembly, and Mr. Hassan Basmir, Head of the Public Committee of the National Assembly, and the two members of the National Assembly, Mr. Awad bin Jameel and Mr. Raed Bajaber.