South Arabia

Al-Khobaji reviews plans of Hadramaut University coordination to advance academic work

Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, Head of the Auxiliary Political Body of the Southern Transitional Council, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, met on Sunday in his office in the capital, Aden, with Dr. Hassan Saleh Ghulam, Head of the Southern Transitional Council Coordination at Hadramaut University.

At the beginning of the meeting, Dr. Al-Khobaji listened to a brief explanation from Dr. Hassan Ghulam about the coordination’s work activity, the difficulties it faces within the university, and ways to solve them, as well as the advancement of academic work at the university.

Al-Khobaji was briefed on the steps that the Hadramaut University Coordination intends to implement during the coming period of the year 2024, aimed at restoring the high scientific standing of Hadramaut University, stressing the support of the Southern Transitional Council for all steps aimed at the coordination.

At the conclusion of the meeting, the need for organizational unity within university coordination and raising community awareness among students about societal issues was emphasized.

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