South Arabia

Al-Khobaji reviews readiness of forces in Al-Anad axis and efforts to secure borders in northern Lahj

SMA NEWS – Aden The Capital

Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Acting President of the Council, Head of the Negotiations Affairs Unit, met on Monday with the Commander of Al-Anad military axis and Commander of the 131 Brigade, Brigadier General Thabet Muthanna Jawas.

In the meeting, Dr. Nasser Al-Khobaji, got briefed on the level of readiness of Al- Anad axis and the 131 Infantry Brigade, in which he listened to an integrated explanation about the preparations of the forces and the conduct of the battles against the terrorist Houthi militia on the fronts in the north of Lahj governorate.

Dr. Al-Khobaji appreciated the roles played by the leadership and personnel of Al- Anad Axis and the 131 Infantry Brigade, praising the heroic achievements and epics of the brigade’s heroes in confronting the Houthi invasion forces and securing the northern borders of the South.

For his part, Brigadier General Jawas affirmed the readiness of Al-Anad Axis and the 131 Infantry Brigade forces to fight battles and defend the homeland and its precious gains, and carry out the tasks entrusted to them with all dedication and sincerity.

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