Al-Khubaji Inspects Economical Corporation in Aden

Dr. Naser Al-Khubaji, member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), head of the Negotiations Unit, on Tuesday, paid an inspecting visit to the head office of the Economical Corporation in Al-Mualla district, in the capital Aden.
Dr. Al-Khubaji met with Brigadier General Anwar Al-Amri, Director General of Aden Economical Corporation, where he listened to an explanation on the status of the corporation, working progress, and mechanisms of developing its work.
Dr. Al-Khubaji was briefed on mechanism of the corporation and difficulties encountering its work, praised the economic role played by this corporation in serving the country and citizens as well as the efforts made by its leadership in performing the economic tasks.
Dr. Naser Al-Khubaji highlighted on the STC’s interest and orientaton in strengthening the State institutions as directed by the pesident Aidarous al-Zubaidi, President of the STC, deputy head of the Presidential Leadership Council, who is keen to increase presence and support activities of the Institutions, in a way that properly serves the community.
For his part, Brigadier General Al-Amri expressed his happiness for the visit of Dr. Al-Khubaji, lauded the national role played by the leadership of the STC in preserving the State institutions and enhancing ongoing work progress.