South Arabia

Al-Khubaji Meets Executive Bodies of Aden, Lahj and STC’s Coordinators at Aden and Abyan Universities

Dr. Naser Al-Khubaji, member of the presidency of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), head of the Negotiations Unit, on Tuesday, met the two local leadership of the Executive Bodies of the STC in the capital, Aden and Lahj governorate, together with the STC’s coordinators at the universities of Aden and Abyan.

During the meeting, Dr. Al-Khubaji reviewed stages of the consultations that took place in the Saudi capital, Riyadh, and the outcomes of these consultations.

Al-Khubaji pointed out that the issue of the South has passed through many stages since the summer of 1994, after occupation of the South, in which the regional and international communities,at that time, ignored demands of the people of the South, stressed that the presence and participation of the STC in the consultation process, was to leave no opportunity to opponents of the cause of people of the South to deviate its course, as well as the efforts of seven years have fulfilled political gains and field achievements that give Southerners the right to determine and make their future.

Al-Khubaji explained importance of the outcomes of Riyadh consultations in unifying efforts to transfer the forces in Hadhramaut and Al-Mahra to the fighting frontlines with a support from the Southern armed forces to confronting Houthis, restructuring ministries of interior, defense, and civil institutions, reforming the economic and service situation in implementing Riyadh Agreement, pointing out that appointment of Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, governor of the capital, Aden, as a minister in the power-sharing government is part of efforts of the STC, after Riyadh consultations, to develop performance of the local authority and raise the level of providing service projects to the capital, Aden.

Al-Khubaji affirmed the STC’s adherence to its participation in the Arab coalition led by the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and the United Arab Emirates in confronting the Iranian project in the region, praised their role in supporting the political process, in the same context, lauding speech of the Ambassador of the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Mr. Mohammed Al-Jaber, on the issue of people of the South, which affirms keenness of the Kingdom to achieve security, stability and a just peace.

Al-Khubaji stressed on importance of harmony and reconciliatory in the STC’s political discourse of the local leadership and coordinators in the universities with all starta of the southern society, noting that the president Aidarous Al-Zubaidi, is president of all people of the South, without exception, and his directives emphasize unifying discourse and efforts to achieve aspirations of people of the South to restore their full sovereignty.

During the meeting, Al-Khubaji listened to remarks and enquiries from the participants in the meeting, which focused on how to adapt and perform the outcomes of Riyadh consultations on the ground, methods of managing the financial resources and combating corruption, the role of the two executive bodies of the STC in Aden and Lahj, and the coordinators at the universities of Abyan and Aden of participating in building and activating State institutions, and combating corruption as an implementation of the outcomes of Riyadh consultations.

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