Al-Mahra Governor Directs To Prepare For A Possible Tropical Situation

Ustad Mohammed Ali Yasser, Governor of Al-Mahra Governorate – Chairman of the Security Committee, this evening, directed the directors of the general directorates and security services, the commanders of the military units and the Emergency Committee, of the necessity of being fully prepared for any potential emergency as a result of the potential tropical situation that may affect the governorate in the coming days.
Governor Bin Yasser pointed out the necessity of continuously monitoring developments in the weather situation and activating emergency and relief plans to ensure rapid response in the event of any developments… stressing the importance of cooperation between all competent authorities to ensure the safety of citizens and avoid damage that may occur as a result of these potential weather conditions. .
The Governor of Al-Mahra stressed the importance of coordinating efforts with various concerned authorities and communicating with citizens to inform them of any necessary precautionary measures, noting that the safety of citizens is the top priority at this stage.