South Arabia

Al-Mahramy Negates the News About Stopping Military Operations on the West Coast

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – West Coast – Aseel Al-Saqualdy[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, commander general of the west coast front negated the news shared on social media about the intention of stopping military operations on the west coast because of the appointment of a certain person as a minister in the legitimacy government. Al-Mahramy indicated that operation “Golden Spear” was launched according to decisions made by commanders of operation “Storm of Determination” and President Hady himself. He added that commanders of the west coast front had no objections on president Hady’s appointment of any person he thinks suitable in any position and the west coast front is supporting the legitimacy. Al-Mahramy resented such rumors that maim the glorious picture of the west coast front and said that the west coast front is fighting for restoring legitimacy and expelling coup militias according to president Hady’s orders. Al-Mahramy also indicated that there is no intention to stop operation “Golden Spear” that started a year ago until the west coast is fully clear of Al-Houthi militias. He added that the commanders of military units will continue their advance towards Heis that will be liberated soon. Al-Mahramy asserted that such false rumors aim to weaken the front in favor of Al-Houthi militias and the clear evidence about that is that they are unanimous

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