South Arabia
Al-Makla Event Rejects Absurd Acts of The Legitimacy Government Towards the South and Calls for Dismissing Ben Doghr’s Corrupt Government.
[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Al-Makla [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] in a statement released by Al-Makla even, the southern people of Hadhramaut called for president Hady and the commandership of the Arab Ally to quickly interfere and dismiss the corrupt government of Ahmed Ben Doghr in addition to appointing a new a fair and honest government to stop corruption of the current one as this corruption threatens the whole south to be dragged into a hard-to-overcome situation after glorious victories have been achieved. The event also rejected dangerous acts from inside the so-called legitimacy government targeting southern governorates and anti-terrorism efforts as these acts jeopardize all these efforts although the south has paid a very high cost of blood and soles. The statement put responsibility of serious living conditions in Hadhramaut and other southern governorates on the shoulders of Ben Doghr’s government. In addition, crowds renewed support of the southern transitional council as a political leadership for the southern cause and assured its support to any steps taken by the council to stop vicious acts of the government. Crowds also thanked the governments of the Arab Ally, especially Saudi Arabia and UAE for their historic attitudes towards supporting the south. The statement called for the whole southern people to mobilize to Adan on October 13th to participate in the event of October 14th at Al-Mualla. The statement asserted the objectives of our revolution, the liberation of the south and the establishment of the Arab South Federal State as an independent state in addition to rejecting corrupt acts of the current government.