South Arabia

Al-Mokala starts for public celebration and announces the local representative leaders for the Southern Transitional Council.

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Al-Mokala [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer]
Al-Mokala, the capital city of Hadrmoot province, starts organizing a

huge public
celebration for the occasion of national Eids, ie,  October and
November.  Thus, local representers for the southern transitional
council STC will be announced in that celebrations.
The chancellor, Ahmed Ba’Molam, a member in the presidency of STC,
and the head of the
intellectual and guidance issue, announces that Al-Mokala organizes
in the few next days, a huge public celebration for the
memorial  occasion of 54th revelation of October, 14 and for the 50th
memorial of  November, 30.
Ba’Molam adds that the  preparatory committee have been formed on all
Hadrmoot districts, Al-Saheel, and Al-Wadi for transporting the
participants in the national celebrations. He also calls all the
Hadrami people to gather together and participate in succeeding such
a huge occasion.

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