Al-Muharrami Assigns Team to Inspect Citizens’ Conditions and as-Suqaya Damage in Sabiha, Lahj

The Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), Vice Chairman of the Presidential Leadership Council (PLC), and Commander of the Southern Giants Brigades, Mr. Abdul Rahman Abu Zaraa Al-Muharami, assigned a team to go to as-Suqaya and its adjacent areas in Al-Madharibah, Ras Al-Aarah District in Sabiha, Lahj Governorate, to inspect the conditions of the citizens and the damage caused by the winds and heavy rains.
The team assigned by Mr. Al-Muharrami surveyed the costly damage caused by the heavy rains and winds that demolished dozens of homes and properties, in addition to the destruction of fishermen’s boats and wooden houses, which are their sole source of livelihood, and the team is working to raise the appropriate recommendations to make the required repairs in this context.
This assignment took place as the people of the as-Suqaya area and neighbouring villages were highly affected by the heavy rains and winds that fell on their areas yesterday, Wednesday, which caused the death of three citizens as an initial toll and the demolition and damage of dozens of houses, especially wooden ones.