South Arabia

Al-Saqqaf inspects work progress in Aden Mall Park project

Mr. Moamen Hassan Al-Saqqaf, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, accompanied by the Director General of Seera district, Dr. Mohammed Al-Jaradi, inspected on Monday, the work progress in the the project of Aden Mall Park in the capital, Aden.

During the inspection visit, Al-Saqqaf listened to an explanation from the executing company of the stages of the project’s progress and the most important difficulties and challenges they face and slow down the speed of completing the work of the project.

Al-Saqqaf stressed that the establishment of such projects is of great importance in the capital, Aden, as the garden is one of the beautiful environmental aspects that add to the city’s splendor and beauty.

Al-Saqqaf pointed to the need of families in Aden for such outlets and public parks, which have become one of the few and rare places of entertainment in the capital, Aden, expressing the readiness of the Transitional Council and the local authority to provide all the necessary facilities to complete the work of these projects and outlets.

Al-Saqqaf was accompanied on his visit by the Secretary-General of the Local Council in Seera District, Mr. Awad Mubjar, as well as the executing agency of the project.

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