Al-Saqqaf receives insight from Director of Education Office in Seera on progress of educational process in the district’s schools

Mr. Moamen Al-Saqqaf, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, Head of the Executive Body of the Transitional Council of the capital, Aden, on Wednesday, met with the Director of the Education Office in Seera District, Ms. Dhoha Ismail Alwan.
During the meeting, which was attended by Mr. Maher Al-Sayed Ali, director of Lutfi Jaafar Aman’s Secondary School for Boys, Al-Saqqaf listened from Ms. Dhoha to an explanation of the progress of the educational process in the schools of the District, he also listened from the director of Lutfi Secondary School to an overview of the progress of education in the secondary school and the necessary needs that the secondary school building lacks to ensure the provision of an atmosphere suitable for students.
Al-Saqqaf discussed the possibility of restoring the high school cafeteria and helping to build the back wall, stressing his constant interest in everything related to the educational process because education is the basic pillar in building nations.