Al-Saqqaf reviews preparations for holding the first Aden conference to combat cybercrime

Mr. Moamen Al-Saqqaf, member of the Presidency of the Southern Transitional Council, head of the Transitional Council’s executive authority in the capital, Aden, met on Tuesday, with the head of the preparatory committee for the first Aden conference to combat cybercrime, Nibras Al-Sharmi, and the executive director of the “Q-Sun” Foundation, Engineer Mohammed bin Shahab.
The meeting discussed the ongoing preparations for holding the first Aden conference to combat cybercrime, which is scheduled to be held during the first quarter of this year in the capital, Aden, organized by the “Q-Sun” Foundation for Peace and Media Development.
Al-Saqqaf listened to a detailed presentation on the conference program, its objectives, its agenda, and the research axes that the conference will address, with the participation of representatives of the relevant ministries, the judiciary, the security services, including the National Security and Counter-Terrorism Services, in addition to relevant external parties.
Al-Saqqaf praised the efforts of the Preparatory Committee and QSun Foundation in preparing for this event, stressing the importance of the conference in enhancing efforts to confront the challenges posed by cybercrimes, as they are a threat to security and stability, noting that the conference enhances the presence of the capital Aden at the local and international levels as an effective platform for discussing cybersecurity issues.
For their part, the QSun Foundation team stressed their commitment to implementing the conference in a way that achieves its desired goals, pointing to the importance of the support provided by the leadership of the Southern Transitional Council to make this qualitative event a success.