South Arabia
Al Sheikh: For These Reasons, the Whole Gulf, Not Only Saudi Arabia, Should Support the Independent State of South Yemen
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Riyadh – Ahmed Ba Sarih[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]M[/su_dropcap]ohamed Al Al-Sheikh, a prominent Saudi journalist, published a tweet on tweeter demanding gulf states and Saudi Arabia to support the independence of the south from the Arab Republic of Yemen and establishing an independent state on the borders of 1990.
The tweet came along with the 20th anniversary of disengagement in May 21st 1994as Al Al-Sheikh said: “These points, in my opinion, support the idea that gulf states, not only Saudis, should support the independent state of south Yemen.
The first point from his point of view is that the union is impossible and the two states will separate either by peace of war. Therefore, a peaceful solution will be better as any armed conflict near Saudi borders and the gulf will have negative effects on them as the case of Iraqi war.
The second point is that geographic and religious independence of the south, as an extension of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, will serve Saudi and Gulf interests.
He asserted that a large number of Saudi traders belong to Hadhramauti roots and this will help reconstructing the south through investing Saudi capitals to guarantee the welfare of and independent state that is political and economically secure
The fourth point is that although the south Yemen was a socialist state but its regimen managed to establish a civil state that is far from the underdeveloped state in the north.
He also indicated that Muslim Brotherhood and their loyal tribes on one hand and Al-Houthis, agents of Iran, are controlling the state in the north and turned it into a safehouse for Al-Qaeda.
He added that every dollar paid by Saudis and gulf states to support the state of Yemeni union will fall, or even part of it, into the hands of Muslim Brotherhood, their loyal tribes and Al-Houthis who live on these aids.
Al Al-Sheikh demanded Saudis and gulf state to consider carefully the union of Sudan and the blood shed in this bitter experience that ended with forceful separation and not to repeat that in Yemen.
Mohamed Al Al-Sheikh is a prominent journalist of Al-Jazeera, a famous Saudi newspaper, and close to the Saudi crown prince.
The tweet came along with the 20th anniversary of disengagement in May 21st 1994as Al Al-Sheikh said: “These points, in my opinion, support the idea that gulf states, not only Saudis, should support the independent state of south Yemen.
The first point from his point of view is that the union is impossible and the two states will separate either by peace of war. Therefore, a peaceful solution will be better as any armed conflict near Saudi borders and the gulf will have negative effects on them as the case of Iraqi war.
The second point is that geographic and religious independence of the south, as an extension of Saudi Arabia and the Gulf, will serve Saudi and Gulf interests.
He asserted that a large number of Saudi traders belong to Hadhramauti roots and this will help reconstructing the south through investing Saudi capitals to guarantee the welfare of and independent state that is political and economically secure
The fourth point is that although the south Yemen was a socialist state but its regimen managed to establish a civil state that is far from the underdeveloped state in the north.
He also indicated that Muslim Brotherhood and their loyal tribes on one hand and Al-Houthis, agents of Iran, are controlling the state in the north and turned it into a safehouse for Al-Qaeda.
He added that every dollar paid by Saudis and gulf states to support the state of Yemeni union will fall, or even part of it, into the hands of Muslim Brotherhood, their loyal tribes and Al-Houthis who live on these aids.
Al Al-Sheikh demanded Saudis and gulf state to consider carefully the union of Sudan and the blood shed in this bitter experience that ended with forceful separation and not to repeat that in Yemen.
Mohamed Al Al-Sheikh is a prominent journalist of Al-Jazeera, a famous Saudi newspaper, and close to the Saudi crown prince.