South Arabia

Al-Thaqali praises the support of the British Council in preserving Socotra heritage

The Governor of Socotra Archipelago, Eng. Raafat Al-Thaqali, met on Tuesday, with representatives of the British Council, Mr. Algar and Ms. Sophia, the supervisors of the Socotra Cultural Heritage project funded by the Council during the years 2018-2019.

In the meeting, which was attended by the Director of the Archeology, Ahmed Al-Arakbi, and the project team, Governor Al-Thaqali welcomed Mr. Algar and Ms. Sophia on their visit to the island, praising the support provided by the British Council to the governorate in order to preserve the unique Socotra customs, traditions and heritage.
Al-Thaqali pointed out that the governorate witnessed, during the previous period, the publication of the Socotri Language Center for Studies and Research, as part of the efforts of the local authority to preserve the Socotri language, which is threatened with extinction.

Al-Thaqali affirmed that the local authority and its specialized offices provided all facilities and procedures for the work of international cultural projects to achieve the contribution of protecting the Socotra language and heritage from loss and oblivion.

For her part, Ms. Sophia explained that their visit to the island aims to assess the impact of the Socotra cultural heritage project, which was established in the governorate with the support of the British Council during the years 2018-2019, in both its tangible and intangible forms.

During the meeting, a film was shown about the project’s activity, which is to identify archaeological sites and establish a database of the tangible and intangible Socotra heritage, in addition to holding cultural and heritage festivals and training courses for a number of the archipelago’s residents.

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