South Arabia

Al-Wali checks on the wounded of Wadi Jenin terrorist attack

Brigadier General Mohsen Al-Wali, Commander-in-Chief of the Security Belt Forces, on Saturday, inspected the status of the wounded as a result of the terrorist attack in Wadi Jenin of Abyan governorate, which resulted in the martyrdom of the hero Abdul Latif Al-Sayed, commander of the Security Belt Forces in Abyan.

Al-Wali visited the wounded in the hospital of the capital Aden, to check on the health condition of the wounded in the treacherous targeting, and the medical care provided to them, and listened from the health staff about the condition of each wounded person.

In his visit, Al-Wali conveyed to the wounded the wishes of President Aidaroos Al-Zubaidi, the President of the Southern Transitional Council, Supreme Commander of the Southern Armed Forces, for them to get a speedy recovery of their wounds, pledging to treat the difficult cases abroad in compliance with the directives of the leadership, and in gratitude for their sacrifices and valor in the field.

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