South Arabia

Al-Zubaidi Directs the General Secretariat to Prepare for the Annual Meeting of Governorates’ Leaderships

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]
[su_dropcap]G[/su_dropcap]eneral Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidi, president of the Southern Transitional Council, headed a meeting for the council’s general secretariat to discuss its work in addition to the work of local leaderships of the governorates. Al-Zubaidi appreciated the performance level of the general secretariat and its departments and demanded all persons to double their efforts to achieve better success and keep up with the current stage’s challenges. Al-Zubaidi discussed with the leadership of the general secretariat the outcomes of foreign visits of the council and how they serve the southern cause politically. He urged the general secretariat to take all measures for activating its role and the role of governorates’ leaderships. He also directed towards preparing for the annual meeting the governorates’ local leaderships. Brigadier Nasser Al-Gaadi, member of the council’s presidency, attended the meeting.

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