South Arabia

Al-Zubaidi: Hadhramaut is from the South and the South is from Hadhramaut

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]P[/su_dropcap]resident Aidarous Al-Zubaidi of the Southern Transitional Council met a delegation of Hadhramaut during their visit to Aden on Tuesday July 2nd 2019 at the council’s headquarters. The delegation was headed by Sheikh Amr Ben Hebrish, first deputy of the governorate, chairman of Hadhramaut Inclusive Conference and head of tribal ally of Hadhramaut.
Al-Zubaidi welcomed visitors asserting the important status of Hadhramaut in the south. He added that the council has an exceptional consideration for Hadhramaut due to its long history and glorious struggle in addition to its economic and cultural significance.
Al-Zubaidi discussed several issues concerning the south in general and Hadhramaut in specific with the delegation including representatives of Hadhramaut inclusive conference, tribal ally of Hadhramaut and local authority representatives.
The meeting asserted the integration of national links as Hadhramaut is from the south and the south is from Hadhramaut as Hadhramaut was and still is, part of the integrated national texture and will never be out of it.
The delegation appreciated the attitude of the council since its establishment through adopting outcomes of Hadhramaut inclusive conference that are consistent with southern expectations. They asserted the need to foster and strengthen southern national links and to intensify southern dialogues to support harmony and avoid differences.
Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, secretary general of the council, Dr. Nasser Al-Khabji, Eng. Adnan Al-Kaf and professor Abd Al-Nasser Al-Wali, members of the council’s presidency, in addition to Dr. Mohamed Jaffar, chairman of Hadhramaut local leadership, attended the meeting.

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