South Arabia

Al-Zubaidi Meets Al-Jafari in Jeddah

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Jeddah – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_dropcap]P[/su_dropcap]resident Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidi, president of the southern transitional council and supreme commander of southern armed forces, met Mr. Abd Al-Rahman Ben Ali Al=Jafari, president of the Free South Arab Union Party and his accompaniment, in his residence in Jeddah.
Al-Zubaidi welcomed Al=Jafari and his accompaniment asserting the unity of the southern goals and partnership for achieving this unity. He also indicated that these meetings came as part of the efforts to achieve southern lineup in front of political challenges facing the southern cause during this crucial stage.
The party’s delegate included Yahia Al-Jafari, chairman of foreign affairs department, brigadier Fadl Mohamed Nagy, director of the party president’s office, Olwy Ali Al=Jafari, personal secretary of the party president, Zu Al-Noun Sadek Al-Ahdal, Sheikh Awad Ba Wazeer, Abdullah Beshara, Saleh Ali Ba Haroun, Abd Rabu Ali Ben Farid and Said Mohamed Nasser.
The negotiation delegate of STC attended the meeting including, Sheikh Abd Al-Rab Al-Naqueeb, Dr. Nasser Al-Khabji, Ali Al-Kuthairi, Abd Al-Rahman Al-Yafaie and Eng. Adnan Al-Kaf, members of the STC presidency in addition to Mohamed Al-Ghaithi, vice chairman of foreign affairs department.

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