South Arabia

Al-Zubaidi: “We are Preparing Objective and Subjective Conditions Necessary for the October 3rd Statement”.

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidi, president of the southern transitional council, indicated that October 3rd statement is an inclusive road pam that can never be abandoned but its enforcement depends on certain subjective and objective conditions on the national and international levels. During the joint meeting of the national assembly and local leaderships of the council, Al-Zubaidi indicated that the council is working on organizing work and maintaining line integrity while forming commissions and syndicates that will enforce the statement and protect associations from full collapse. Concerning international steps, Al-Zubaidi indicated that the council took major steps especially with Martin Griffith, UN envoy to Yemen, and added: “We are in pursuit of a a permanent office of negotiations to deal with the council and the southern cause on the international level and we have a specialized team to lead this effort”. He indicated that the council welcomes all other components to be part of this team as long as their purpose is to restore the state. he also asserted that the Arab Coalition and the world support the southern people and the southern cause saying: “We felt this during our meetings with them but for them the humanitarian aspect is more urgent”.
General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the southern national assembly, indicated that the council is on the way to achieve its goals as these goals will never be abandoned and work on this context is going on in a high rate and clear vision. He added that October 3rd statement is clear and can afford its application on the ground but we are very concerned with southern blood and every drop of this blood is very dear to us. He said: “We be vulnerable to some barriers but we are confident and trust our leader president Al-Zubaidi”. Ben Brik uncovered the fact that Ben Daghar and his government allocated huge sums of money to kill the southern people and southern figures in addition to lead the council to failure.
Ben Brik and Dr. Abd Al-Nasser Al-Wali, chairman of local leadership in Aden, answered several questions and responded to remarks of members of the national assembly and local leaderships in the governorates and directorates.
Ahmed Lamlas, secretary general of the council, Fadl Al-Gaadi, Adnan Al-Kaf and Brigadier Nasser Al-Saadi, members of the council’s presidency, attended the meeting.

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