South Arabia

Al-Zubaidy Appoints Ben Brik as Chairman of the Southern National Assembly, Lockman as Vice Chairman and Al-Sakkaf as General Secretary

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] General Aidarous Al-Zubaidy, Prsident of the Southern Transitional Council, issued three presidential decrees numbers 18, 19 and 20 on Saturday December 23rd, 2017, appointing General Ahmed Ben Brik as chairman of the southern national assembly, Dr. Anis Youssef Lockman as vice chairman and Judge Husain Zain Al-Sakkaf as general secretary.
Presidential Decree No. 18
Considering the Historic Declaration of Adan, issued on 4/5/2017 A. D. – 8/8/1438 H., and according to decree No. (1) of forming the presidency of southern transition council on 11/5/2017 A. D. – 15/8/1438 H., and the decree No. (2) concerning the primary law of the southern transitional council and considering the supreme interest of the south,
It was decided
Article No. (1): General Ahmed Said Ben Brik is appointed as Chairman of the Southern National Assembly
Article No. (2): This decree is valid since its issue date and to be published on the official website of the council and all available media tools
Issued in Adan on Saturday December 23rd, 2017 A. D. – Rabia Akhar 5th, 1439 H.
Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidy
President of the Southern Transitional Council
Presidential Decree No. 19
Considering the Historic Declaration of Adan, issued on 4/5/2017 A. D. – 8/8/1438 H., and according to decree No. (1) of forming the presidency of southern transition council on 11/5/2017 A. D. – 15/8/1438 H., and the decree No. (2) concerning the primary law of the southern transitional council and considering the supreme interest of the south,
It was decided
Article No. (1): Dr. Anis Youssef Lockman is appointed as Vice Chairman of the Southern National Assembly
Article No. (2): This decree is valid since its issue date and to be published on the official website of the council and all available media tools
Issued in Adan on Saturday December 23rd, 2017 A. D. – Rabia Akhar 5th, 1439 H.
Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidy
President of the Southern Transitional Council

Presidential Decree No. 20
Considering the Historic Declaration of Adan, issued on 4/5/2017 A. D. – 8/8/1438 H., and according to decree No. (1) of forming the presidency of southern transition council on 11/5/2017 A. D. – 15/8/1438 H., and the decree No. (2) concerning the primary law of the southern transitional council and considering the supreme interest of the south,
It was decided
Article No. (1): Judge Husain Zain Al-Sakkaf is appointed as General Secretary of the Southern National Assembly
Article No. (2): This decree is valid since its issue date and to be published on the official website of the council and all available media tools
Issued in Adan on Saturday December 23rd, 2017 A. D. – Rabia Akhar 5th, 1439 H.
Aidarous Kassem Al-Zubaidy
President of the Southern Transitional Council

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