South Arabia

# America confirms its commitment to sign the final agreement of #Al-Nahda Dam

[su_label type=”info”]Smanews / Agencies[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]


After Ethiopia announced earlier that it would not participate in the Al-Nahda Dam negotiations, Stephen Mnuchin, the US Treasury Secretary, confirmed that his country reaffirms its commitment to work with Egypt, Ethiopia, and Sudan until the final agreement for the Al-Nahda Dam is signed.


The American announcement comes after Ethiopia confirmed its non-participation in the meeting that was to be hosted by the American capital, Washington, on Thursday and Friday.


Ethiopia had previously notified America that it had not ended its discussions locally with the relevant authorities on the dam, which prompted it not to participate in the tripartite negotiations.


The parties participating in the Al-Nahda Dam issue had earlier in the last round of negotiations in Washington on February 12 and 13, with the participation of the United States, which sought to finalize the agreement with the World Bank to formulate the final image of the Agreement form on the rules for filling and operating the dam, and the participating countries agreed to 90% of the discussions.

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