South Arabia

Angry Demonstrators in Al-Mahfed Demand Stopping Delivery of Humanitarian Aids to Local Authorities

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Nahfed – Abian – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] On Saturday August 11th, 2018, angry demonstrators marched the streets of Al-Mahfed – Abian demanding the stop of delivering humanitarian aids to local authorities of the directorate. They demanded all humanitarian organizations to deliver these aids to the Southern Transitional Council and the Public Council of Al-Mahfed as these two bodies are characterized with integrity in distributing aids equally among the 18 electoral posts of the directorate. Demonstrators expressed their deep resentment of delivering humanitarian aids provided by Care International Organization and UAE Red Crescent to bodies that distributed these aids randomly and denied several areas of their rightful shares in aids. They also expressed their resentment of media reports broadcasted by “Al-Ghad Al-Musherk” TV as reports falsified the truth while covering the distribution process of aids in Al-Mahfed. Demonstrators also issued the following statement:
1. Demonstrators ask Care International Organization and UAE Red Crescent to halt cooperation in aids distribution with local authorities of Al-Mahfed till these operations are coordinated with to the Southern Transitional Council and the Public Council of Al-Mahfed.
2. Demonstrators asked Al-Ghad Al-Musherk TV and its reporters to apologize for falsifying reports while covering the distribution process of aids in Al-Mahfed that were random and denied citizens of their rightful shares of aids.

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