South Arabia

Arab Coalition Air Forces Throw Handbills over Zubai and Al-Husainia in Preparation of Break In

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenia – the West Coast – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Arab Coalition aircrafts threw handbills over the cities of Zubaid and Al-Husinia, in preparation to break into the cities by giants brigades stationed near Zubaid. Handbills indicated that the Arab Coalition troops are coming to liberate the cities from Al-Houthi Iranian militias and demanded citizens not to cooperate with militias during fights and not to listen to rumors. Handbills also indicated that Al-Houthis push citizens of these areas into a lost war while their sons and relatives are safe in Iran and Lebanon. Handbills also demanded citizens to consider the safe situation of liberated areas and developmental projects launched in these areas.

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