South Arabia

At an official invitation… Al-Yafey and Al-Sheikh Participate in the Third Saudi Media Forum

Mr. Mukhtar Al-Yafe’y, the deputy head of the National Southern Media Authority (NSMA), assisting the Presidium of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and Mr. Abdulaziz Al-Sheikh, head of the radio and television sector of the STC, participated in the activities of the third Saudi Media Forum, which kicked off on Tuesday in Riyadh on February 20, 2024, under the theme “Media in a World Taking Shape.” at the official invitation of His Excellency Mr. Fahd bin Mohammed Al Harithi, Chairman of the Saudi Media Forum.

On the sidelines of the conference, Mr. Al-Yafey and Al-Sheikh met with several media officials in Arab countries and beyond to discuss ways to enhance media cooperation between southern media institutions, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia, Arab countries, and beyond.

The participation of the deputy head of NSMA and Head of the Radio and Television Sector in the two-day forum comes within the framework of NSMA’s keenness to strengthen its presence in Arab and international media forums, learn about the latest developments in the field of media, and communicate with Arab and international media professionals and experts.

The Saudi Media Forum is considered one of the cornerstone media events in the Arab region, as it brings together experts and professionals from Arab and international media to discuss the most important challenges facing the Arab media and ways to boost and enhance its efficiency.

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