South Arabia
Ben Farid: Minister Al-Mesiry Acts According Vengeance Mentality that Doesn’t Consider Any Consequences
[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Adan – Exclusive [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Ahmed Omar Ben Farid, a prominent southern writer, said that any clash or stress in Adan is the responsibility of minister Al-Mesiry and those who put him in this position. In a tweet on tweeter, Ben Farid added: “Al-Mesiry acts according vengeance mentality that doesn’t consider any consequences and doesn’t learn from the past. Any stress or clash is his responsibility with those who put him in a position that is supposed to be for a rational person who can practice political acts not only security ones”. Ben Farid added: “Things don’t look good and these words are for those who care for cool down in Adan”. Ben Farid also asserted that an official personnel of Ben Daghar’s government threatened the Arab Coalition with dealing with Al-Houthis, but Ben Farid didn’t nominate that person calling him “someone”. Ben Farid commented: “This language of blackmail is a clear indication of this government’s corruption, fraud and narrow mindedness. Such qualities can’t help creating peaceful atmosphere in Adan. They simply can’t live without crises, and if there isn’t any, they will create some”.