South Arabia

Bin Brik Meets with Female Representatives of Unions, Political Parties and Organizations in Hadramaut

Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik, Vice President of the Southern Transitional Council (STC), and the accompanying team represented by Mr. Fadi Baoum, member of the STC’s Presidium, and Ms. Mona Haitham, member of the Southern National Dialogue Team (SNDT), met on Wednesday with a large number of female representatives of unions, political parties, organizations, and the university coordinator in Hadhramaut Governorate, in the presence of Brigadier Saeed Ahmed Al-Mohammadi, head of the local leadership executive body (LLEB) of the STC in the governorate.

At the beginning of the meeting, Major General Ahmed Saeed Bin Brik congratulated the women of Hadramaut and the South on the occasion of International Women’s Day and the advent of the holy month of Ramadan, providing a general explanation of the regional and international political situation and its implications for the internal political situation.

Major General Bin Brik touched on the current events in the Red Sea and their impact on the economy, noting that strengthening the southern rank is the way to withstand all these challenges and come out of this situation, to work and stand as one team without exception, and to rise above the language of political infidelity, bickering, and disagreements, highlighting the participation of women in social, administrative, and political work, redoubling their efforts in strengthening the cohesiveness of the Hadrami people along with that of the South, and empowering them in all administrative, political, and leadership positions.

In the context of his speech, Bin Brik warned all those who are tampering with and involved in corruption cases, emphasizing that they must be held accountable and justice must be seen to be done, and he sent a message through the attendees to the teachers, both male and female, to suspend the strike, which throws a heavy burden on the future of male and female students.

Mr. Fadi Baoum spoke in a speech in which he praised the women of the South and their pioneering roles in various aspects and urged them to redouble their efforts and realize their great and worthy aspirations.

Ms. Mona Haitham explained the unique characteristics that Hadrami women possess in the society of the South and their great role in boosting southern cohesiveness and realizing the aspirations of the people of the South to restore their rights and their state.

The meeting discussed a range of topics and issues in many societal and political aspects, reviewing the concerns and suffering of citizens, practical visions for alleviating them, and ways to achieve common goals that benefit society.

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