South Arabia

Bin Farid: Transitional Council is exposed to conspiracies to topple it to weaken the south cause

[su_label type=”info”]Smanews /Follow-up[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

Head of the Foreign Affairs Directorate of the Southern Transitional Council in Europe, Ahmed Omar bin Farid, affirmed that the Transitional Council is the national component that clearly carries the cause of the people of the south and defends them in all forums, and by all available means in difficult circumstances that afflicts everyone, but despite all of this, the main goal of several local and regional powers is to topple it for the purpose of weakening the cause of the South, and Allah knows that if it were not so no one would hostile it.


Bin Farid said in a series of tweets on Twitter: The Transitional Council is not a state authority, and it was not possible even from the resources of the state that is under the grip of the “legitimate” government under international law, and despite all of this, the Council works with all its power according to what is available under its hand of capabilities to bridge the great imbalance and fill the resulting terrifying vacuum due to the absence of the role of the corruption government, which does not fulfill even its most basic duties towards the citizens.


Bin Farid pointed that the Transitional Council, despite all the difficult circumstances and conspiracies that do not stop with the aim of toppling it, the Council did not claim that it is 100% in everything, and did not claim to have monopoly on the issue of the South or our people, but that we would be the happiest if everyone shared with us the great national concern because we believe that the south is for everyone and accommodates all its people.


He added: “One of the easiest things a person can do is to criticize, which may be right and even required, but we must realize that the national action field is open to all and is not restricted to the Transitional Council alone and in my estimation .. to work and make a mistake much better than not working at all because you are in this case will definitely not make a mistake because you are not working.


Bin Farid said for the sake of the cause of the south, according to its essence based on liberation and independence, rivers of heroes blood poured and arenas filled with millions of southerners over a period of 10 years to express this legitimate high goal. All what we do in the Transitional Council, and we are keen on, is to defend this will for our people despite all the difficulties.

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