South Arabia

Brotherhood militias assassinate Shabwani elite soldier in #Shabwa

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News / Shabwa / Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

A soldier of the Shabwani Elite was martyred in Nissab District, of Shabwa governorate.

According to local sources, the soldier, “Talal bin Ariq Al-Awlaki,” died due to his wounds as a result of being shot by Muslim Brotherhood militia in Nissab district of Shabwa governorate.

The sources revealed that the Brotherhood’s terrorist militias ambushed the assassination of al-Awlaki in Nissab market in Shabwa.

The same sources said that the terrorist militia of Lakaab shot at the soldier while he was driving his car in the district’s market.

Al-Awlaki was transferred in critical condition to a clinic, but he died due to his injuries.

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