Chaired by Lamlas- Hygiene Fund in Aden discusses its final budget and approves work plan for Eid Al-Adha

SMA NEWS – ADEN the Capital
The governor of the capital, Aden, Mr. Ahmed Hamed Lamlas, chaired on Tuesday, the periodic meeting of the Hygiene and Improvement Fund in Aden.
The governor began the meeting, with a speech in which he stressed the need to redouble efforts, mobilize all members of the Fund and harness all its capabilities so Aden is shown in its true appearance that is befitting its history and heritage, and to intensify cleaning works in streets, residential neighborhoods, and public places frequented by families and visitors to the city.
Lamlas directed the leadership of the Fund to evaluate its activities during the previous Eid al-Fitr and to avoid mistakes and shortcomings that accompanied the work at that time, ensuring not to be recurred.
During the meeting, the financial report for the first quarter of the current year 2020 was reviewed, as well as the fund’s plan to deal with the blessed Eid Al-Adha, which included many work programs during its days.
The fund’s plan focused on intensifying work in beaches, public parks, markets, and butchers shops, forming round-the-clock work shifts, setting up a field emergency team, in addition to implementing a number of different awareness activities.
After extensive discussion, the plan was approved by both attendees, with the inclusion of some proposals about it.
The meeting touched on a number of issues related to the fund’s activity, and came up with a number of decisions, most notably setting a test period for contractors and suppliers, setting special conditions and criteria to maintain dealing with them, as well as referring the fund’s organizational structure proposal to the Department of Legal Affairs, approving the investment of part of the fund’s building space, and submitting studies and proposed designs.
The meeting also approved the meeting of the fund’s management with each of the electricity power administrations and the oil company, to liquidate their debts to the fund, cancel the previous contract for the Cairo market and announce a new tender for it.
The meeting also discussed a number of points on its agenda, most notably discussing its previous minutes, evaluating the level of implementation of its outputs, discussing the final account for the past year 2020, and approving it while absorbing the observations about it.