South Arabia

Chairman of the National Assembly Meets Members of the Southern Military Association

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Aden – Exclusive[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″]

General Ahmed Said Ben Brik, chairman of the southern national assembly met members of the southern military association on Tuesday November 27th, 2018. Ben Brik appreciated the military and intelligence roles of the association through their suggestions of establishing a southern military structure. He asserted the importance of joint work and activating joint operation between the southern transitional council and southern military association.

General Mohamed Haithm appreciated the role of the southern transitional council and the national assembly in activating joint work through real partnership between the council and the military association to serve southern interests through intelligence work and military plans and recommendations to enforce military and security control over the south.

The meeting discussed recent developments in the security and military situation in the south in addition to military preparations for the event of November 30th.

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