South Arabia

Citizens of Azzan – Shabwa Celebrate the Launch of Local Branch of Southern Transitional Council on Tuesday

[su_label type=”info”]SAMA News – Adan[/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″][su_label type=”info”]Amman – SMA – PIC[/su_label][/su_spacer] Salem Al-Awlaky, spokesman of the southern transitional council stated that citizens of Azzan – Shabwa will celebrate the launch of their local branch of the southern transitional council. SAMA News Publishes the statement:
Citizens of Shabwa will celebrate the launch of the Azzan branch of the southern transitional council on Tuesday October 24th 2017. Azzan, where the southern movement broke out in 2007 in Shabwa, was punched by Sanaa regiment by occupying it through terrorist groups and declaring it an Islamic Emirate several times during the past few years. Azzan vectored Shabwa through launching the southern movement, establishing security and defeating terrorism with support of the Arab Ally and Shabwany Elites Forces. This launch is the dawn of a new era of political and security integration in addition to establishing the institutional structure of the southern transitional council. Mthe building of the southern resistance at Etq was chosen to be the headquarters of the branch.
Salem, Thabet Al-Awlaky
Spokesman of the southern transitional council
Member of the presidency institution

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