South Arabia

Commander General of the West Coast Front: Southern Giants Forces and Tehami Resistance Forces Keep Advance After Controlling and Securing Al-Khoukha and its Paths

[su_label type=”info”]SMA News – Al-Arabia Al-Yemenia – Al-Khoukha – Faisal Al-Sakaldy [/su_label][su_spacer size=”10″] Southern Giants Forces and Tehami Resistance Forces kept advancing after fully controlling and securing the parameters of Al-Khoukha as security forces were deployed in the city streets and all paths leading to it. Abu Zaraa Al-Mahramy, commander general of the west coast front, indicated that Southern Giants Forces and Tehami Resistance Forces advanced to territories 6 km behind Al-Khoukha that became under full control last week. He added that the city was fully secured after military engineering squads managed to dismantle thousands of landmines implanted by Al-Houthi militias on the streets and inside residence areas. Securing the city helped the forces to advance and deploy. During deployment, the forces discovered an explosives workshop with huge amounts of landmines and explosive packs.

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